Kyle Park is a promising young singer and guitarist with a burgeoning following across Red Dirt country. He fills bars and festivals throughout Texas with his...
As a founder of groundbreaking southern rap group the Goodie Mob, a sometimes solo artist and half of the singer/DJ duo Gnarls Barkley (of “Crazy” fame), Cee-Lo Green...
The Avett Brother’s “Kick Drum Heart” is a ditty. There’s really no other way to label it. That’s certainly not a bad thing in this instance, except maybe...
“Sexy” is not a descriptor I’m entirely comfortable with using in reference to a male-performed country song, but in the case of the Randy Rogers Band’s...
Florida rapper Plies isn’t about let you forget his origins on this club banger from his new mixtape, You Need People Like Me. From the title to...
Honestly, I’m not sure there are 250-400 words to say about Rio Grand’s “I Love Beer” without padding it with this unnecessary sentence. The song is...