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Album Review: Deep River — Ten Mornings



Heads up, alt-country fans: there’s a new(ish) band in town and its name is Deep River. The NoVA trio recently released debut album Ten Mornings, a polished collection of pop-folk-alt-country, an amalgam that the band has termed “Front Porch Pop.”

Lead singer Rachel Beauregard wields some seriously powerful pipes, reminiscent of big-voiced Americana singers like Brandi Carlile or Megan McCormick. She sounds just as good when she tones it down, as she does on the delicate “Hold On to the Mystery” and closing duet “Bigger Than Us.” Beauregard is ably backed by songwriter/guitarist/Jammin’ Java-er Luke Brindley and talented multi-instrumentalist Bryan Dawley; the resulting sound is along the lines of Rainy Day Music–era Jayhawks.

A handful of the songs on Ten Mornings are new versions of tracks from Brindley’s solo albums or the Brindley Brothers releases. “Hudson River” benefits the most from re-recording, with sweet harmonies and handclaps (Fact: handclaps make every song better). However, album opener “Know Your Love” doesn’t quite live up to the unreleased, minimalist version found on Luke Brindley’s website.

All in all, Ten Mornings is one of 2010’s best local releases. Check out Deep River’s Facebook page for a free download of roots pop gem “Let Me Down Easy” and keep an eye out for a show near you.

Listen if You Like: The Jayhawks, pumpkin ale, Brandi Carlile, Original Harmony Ridge Creekdippers

Top tracks: “Hudson River,” “Let Me Down Easy” “Bigger Than Us”

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